20 May 2010

An Immigrant Speaks

I recently received the following note from a friend and neighbor. The entire illegal immigrant issue could not be better addressed. His note reminds us all to give thanks to God every day for our precious citizenship in this wonderful country.

Hi Joe,

I became an American citizen on May 6th – it was a wonderful tear filled ceremony at Faneuil Hall in Boston. I am a new immigrant, even though I have been in America for nearly 35 years! However, till May 6th, I carried a “Resident Alien” card, or green card in my back pocket every day since 1983. Even when I was out on the pond on the bass boat you’d have found my green card in my wallet next to my NH non-resident fishing license and my NH boating license. This was the law – I had no problem with it. I was not a citizen of the USA, but was being allowed to stay here by the government. The only requirement they made on me was to carry the card with me at all times. I did so dutifully, and without any issues. When asked to produce it, I did. I also recognized that if I had been convicted of a crime at any point, that along with punishment to be delivered by the US government, I would most likely have been deported from the country.

With this as background I am outraged by the backlash against the Arizona law, which only mirrors the federal law, and which makes no onerous demands on legal residents. I have said to many people that I will look for ways to go to Arizona and spend money there.

This is just another ploy to tear the Unites States apart from within, and as one of its newest citizens, this grieves me deeply.


1 comment:

tmh said...

Isn't it amazing how 'new' citizens "get it" and the political correct don't!