24 July 2010

Obama vs. America

The Obama Administration has now sued the State of Arizona. It is interesting that the suit makes no claim about the merits of the Arizona immigration law – it simply claims that immigration is the purview of the federal government and not the states. A slew of other state legislatures and governors, as well as polls throughout the U.S., have strongly supported Arizona.

Now seven South and Central American countries have joined with Mexico in filing “amicus” briefs agreeing with the Obama Administration and are entering the case as “friends of the court”. The U.S.A. gives each of these countries more than $100 million a year in foreign aid, and they certainly would not want to aggravate the golden goose, so there is little doubt that they entered this case with the approval of the Obama Administration.

And that, my friends, says it all. The Obama Administration is siding with foreign countries against Arizona and the other states that support Arizona. President Obama has thrown his support in favor of illegal immigrants and their Latin American homelands against American state governments and a strong majority of the American people. That should tell you everything you have to know about what kind of American Obama is and where his sentiments lie.

1 comment:

Richard Setton said...

Somewhat of a harsh reading, Joe. The fact that "A slew of other state legislatures and governors" support Arizona does not make the suit illegal or wrong. The argument that it is the purview of the federal government is a valid position, and one that the courts will decide. My reading of the actions of the seven Central and South American countries tell me that THEY are siding with the administrations position, rather than Obama is siding with them. Let's keep things in perspective here.

Dick Setton